These are our ten most-liked pivot doors

Inspiration 05 April 2023

The FritsJurgens Instagram account is the place to discover all the possibilities of pivot doors. All sizes, materials and applications are shown there, from every corner of the world. The ten designs highlighted in this article are a small selection only. They do, however, paint a great picture of our pivoting systems in practice. From the Netherlands to New Zealand and from System One to System M+: these are our projects with the most likes on the socials!

10. Award-winning project

Let's start the list with an awarded design: this excellent specimen was voted ‘Best Exterior Pivot Door of 2022’, and not without reason. Especially the originality of the design and the use of materials are striking. Take the handle, for example: it protrudes on the exterior, but is hidden inside the door on the interior. This unique interpretation of the classic latch makes this project a design that you just can’t ignore.

Design by Hyndman Taylor, Manufacture by RBJ builders + sheet metalcraft
© Photo by Simon Devitt

The black metal door was manufactured by Sheet Metalcraft and RBJ Builders, and designed by the New Zealand-based HTA Studio. The FritsJurgens System M was chosen as a pivoting hinge, allowing you to control each phase of the door's movement. Besides, this system is self-closing, so that you will never have to worry about the front door being open.

9. Invisible passage

One of the unique features of pivot doors is that you don't need frames. This allows them to fully blend into their surroundings, like in this minimalistic kitchen. When closed, these two pivoting panel sheets are almost invisible until just a slight push gives you access to the adjacent room. FritsJurgens hinges allow you to place the doors very close to the floor and the ceiling so that they blend seamlessly into the surrounding walls. 

Manufacture by Cohesion Studio

This project is a good example of how easy it is to create an impressive passage. It is the elements that are absent – frames, door latches, latch bolts – that make this design so special. And whether the doors are open or closed, they complement the sleek, modern interior.

8. Simply special

Let's move on to a local project. Even in a typical Dutch rain shower, this modern family home is shown to advantage – especially when you're home safe and dry, looking out through the large glass pivot door. This exterior door is special in all its simplicity: glass in a steel frame, hiding FritsJurgens System One. Thanks to this simple and compact pivoting hinge, the door does exactly what it is supposed to do, without drawing unwanted attention.

Manufactured by Harry van Interieur, Designed by Kwint and Bulder interieurarchitect

With a front door made of glass and steel, everything evolves around the view: from the hallway you look out over a vast estate with lots of green areas. This makes the sleek design of the pivot door look like the frame of a painting. And the fluid and smooth door movement thanks to System One assures that the peace and quiet of the Dutch countryside is not disturbed.

7. Creative use of copper

In place seven is this copper-clad pivot door – a real eye catcher. Not only because the surroundings are subtly reflected in its glossy surface, but also because of the color. As soon as you enter the kitchen, the red copper glow can also be seen in the woodwork, contrasting beautifully with the white walls. The texture of the metal forms a subtle transition to the smooth cast floor and marble counter top. A fine piece of craftsmanship, both inside and out.

Designed by Coppice Joinery

The copper masterpiece was created by Coppice Joinery and pivots around an invisible FritsJurgens pivoting hinge. The maintenance-free system assures a smooth door movement – both now and in the far future. This design is the perfect example of the endless creative freedom that pivoting hinges offer. Whether large or small, glass or copper: a pivot door comes in all sizes and materials.

6. Openness and privacy, all in one

An open-plan interior is still as popular as ever. It allows rooms with different functions to seamlessly merge with each other, making the home look bigger and giving it a modern look. Although this provides an impressive spatial effect, it is nice to be able to create some peace and privacy – for example by separating the living room from the study. Glass and steel pivot doors are the ideal solution, like this one by De Rooy Metaaldesign. 

Manufacture by De Rooy Metaaldesign

The glass walls and doors can be used to close off a space, without affecting the harmonious, smooth layout as a whole. The versatile and sustainable character of glass and steel makes these materials the perfect solution for pivot doors. By playing with the dimensions, you determine what effect the doors will have on the interior: the more glass, the more open. With the endless possibilities of FritsJurgens pivoting hinges, you can realize every conceivable design, irrespective of the size or weight of the doors.

5. Portrait of the surroundings

When entering through this massive walnut front door, you see one of the most gorgeous views of Austin opening up in front of you – thanks to the high location of this American home. Through the impressive windows at the back of the home, you oversee the vast green surroundings at one glance. That strong connection between interior and nature makes you feel like you are in a painting, while you are actually in the living room. That is why the project occupies a well-deserved place in this top ten.

Designed by Brian Chilton Design

The pivoting front door of over 1.5 m wide and 2.5 m high looks impressive. It was designed by Michael Hsu Office of Architecture, an international renowned architecture and design firm. The design was executed by Brian Chilton Design. For a smooth movement, the FritsJurgens System M+ was used. Observant passers-by will only see the stylish ceiling and floor plates. The hinge itself is hidden inside the door, so that it does not cause unnecessary distraction.

4. Royal entrance

A grand design calls for a grand entrance. Especially for a chic private residence in Melbourne, the designers of By Finesse designed this royal front door: a huge pivot door made of wood and steel. Those materials – together with the sleek, elongated handle – create a luxurious and modern look. The door elegantly gives access to the home with just the push of one finger. This way, everybody will make a grand entrance.

Designed by ByFinesse

Despite its large size, the door pivots effortlessly and lightly, thanks to the FritsJurgens System One hinge: small, but a real all-rounder. The hinge is fully milled into the pivot door, invisibly doing its work. With a single pivoting point, System One offers ultimate freedom of movement and endless design possibilities, as you can see from this impressive front door.

3. Powerful office door

A pivot door gives every room a unique twist – at home, but also at work. Number three on the list is a variant of over 2.5 m wide and nearly 3 m high in the lobby of F5 Network’s head office in the United States. Designer NBBJ Design was fully free to design the door as it saw fit and had it manufactured by Architectural Elements. A first, because they had not worked on a similar project ever before.

Designed by NBBJ and Architectural Elements

This robust pivot door hides a FritsJurgens System M hinge. It allows the door to move powerfully and smoothly, creating as little empty space as possible. The perforated pattern shows a subtle difference in size along the entire surface. A minor detail, but of great value: it brings the door to life.

2. Enjoying the view as far as the eye can see

There's going home and then there's coming home. Behind this majestic, 6-m high pivot door is a spacious home looking out over the ocean. MADDOK, an Australia-based architecture firm, designed the interior, and drew inspiration for the entrance from the caves near the adjacent coastline. The Australian company of Metal Craft clad the door with aluminium composite panel sheets. They made the design look sleek and light, perfectly fitting the rest of the home.

Manufactured by Australian Metal Craft, Designed by Gavin Maddock

To allow the door to move as smoothly as possible, MADDOCK opted for FritsJurgens System M pivoting hinges. Thanks to Damper Control, you can open and shut the door in one smooth movement. Moreover, you can determine at what angle of 90° you want to secure the door, making the doors always look sleek – both open and closed.

1. Harmonious home

Finally, the most-liked project on our socials: five stately pivot doors in a row inside a characteristic home. The doors serve not only as a separation between two rooms, but act together as a moving wall. When open, they form an elegant passage from one side of the house to the other, while, when closed, they create a warm, cozy feeling. The dark grey doors were designed by the Russian agency of Fedorova Architects, and contrast beautifully with the light colors in the rest of the interior.

Manufacture by Bizzotto, Design by Alexandra Fedorova

Italian furniture designer Bizzotto used FritsJurgens System One hinges for this design. This simple and versatile variant allows the doors to move freely. This way, you can use the hinge for both single-acting and double-acting pivot doors. System One excels in simplicity, just like the sleek, minimalistic design by Fedorova Architects.

Interested to learn more about the possibilities of pivot doors?

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