Our heritage
The story of FritsJurgens begins as early as 1930. During those often dire times, our namesake took responsibility for the craftsmen at the largest shipyard in the Netherlands. Widely known for his keen eye for technical perfection, he oversaw their work and output. His philosophy resonated clear and true:
“The perfect design is innovative, functional, beautiful, and usable.”
Today, as the third generation of Frits Jurgens, we are not only proud that his legacy continues to echo through our work, but we also strive to live by those words every single day. His belief in the timeless beauty of hidden perfection remains our guiding principle. For now, and always.

Pivot hinges: improving perfection
Perfection is an elusive thing, and, like all things, subject to change. From the very beginning, we have aimed to achieve perfection not only in what we create but also in what we provide. We are proud to say that we have succeeded. However, as with everything, time changes the perception of perfection. Like our systems, it moves smoothly but unmistakably.
That is why we continue to focus on innovating and improving our designs and methodologies. Thus, even though the initial FritsJurgens hinges may resemble the current ones, there have been significant changes—changes that once again strive to achieve the perfection we envision.
FritsJurgens: unparalleled Dutch quality
FritsJurgens is situated in a little town called Kolham, part of the municipality of Groningen in The Netherlands.
Every system is designed in-house and then developed, produced, and thoroughly tested at our factory. Only if a system meets the strict quality requirements we demand of it, is it packed and shipped all over the globe.