Discovering architectural harmony

Lars Triesch and his Ray Kappe home in Kleinmachnow

‘It was always challenging and more interesting to find the hidden little gems and not always the big names, because everybody is hunting for the big names. It's always nice to recognize quality and design before the masses discover it. So, discovering that is really the most fun for me.’

Lars Triesch, the discerning owner of the design haven Original in Berlin, has a remarkable eye for vintage furniture and an unparalleled appreciation for quality. His keen sense of style and commitment to excellence is evident in every piece he curates for his store. But it’s in his own home, nestled in the picturesque suburb of Kleinmachnow, where Lars's passion for design truly comes to life.

A tribute to Ray Kappe

The house, designed by the legendary architect Ray Kappe, stands as a testament to Kappe's distinctive style and Lars's impeccable taste.

‘It is the only house by Ray Kappe outside of the United States. And it was a project he and I worked on very closely.’

Known for his innovative use of space and light, Kappe’s designs are often associated with the sunny, beach-side towns of California. In Kleinmachnow, Kappe's architectural genius finds a new expression, blending seamlessly with the German landscape.

‘When I went to meet Ray Kappe, I looked at maybe six or seven houses that he did in Los Angeles. Yet, his house was for me the most interesting, a masterpiece. So, I told him that he should take his house as an inspiration for our house. So basically, all the surfaces, the materials are the same as in Ray Kappe’s house. It is kind of like a copy of that. And I believe, because his house was the only one where he could do what he wanted, it turned out so beautiful. I decided to give him the same freedom with our house.’

Ray Kappe's homes are renowned for their open spaces, natural materials, and integration with the environment. Lars’s home is no exception. From the moment you step inside, you are greeted with an expanse of light and a sense of continuity that blurs the lines between indoor and outdoor living. This house is not just a dwelling but a harmonious part of its surroundings, redefining and reshaping the space it occupies.

‘With Ray Kappe's houses, I always felt a cosiness and an aliveness. Not like these minimalist, empty, unpersonal spaces where you cannot say anything about the person who lives there, because there's nothing personal about it. Ray Kappe’s houses always have the warmth of the wood and the materials. For me it was like, it can be modern and still be cosy and a family house. That's why I like his architecture so much.’

Photographed by Philipp Jester
Photographed by Philipp Jester
Photographed by Philipp Jester
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The allure of vintage design

Lars Triesch's affinity for vintage design is evident throughout his home. From a young age, he was captivated by the timeless appeal of vintage furniture, possessing a unique ability to spot emerging trends and undiscovered designers. This intuitive knack for recognizing quality and potential is what makes Original in Berlin a treasure trove for design enthusiasts.

In his home, Lars has curated an impressive collection of vintage pieces, each adding character and a sense of history to the modernist space. His selections are not just about aesthetics; they are about creating an environment that feels lived-in and emotionally resonant. The furniture and decor complement the architectural brilliance of Kappe, resulting in a space that is both stunning and welcoming.

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The magic of pivot doors

A standout feature of Lars’s home is the inclusion of two pivot doors, supported by our System M+. These doors are more than just functional elements; they are integral to the home's design and emotional experience. The interior pivot door seamlessly connects the sitting area to the studio space while the exterior pivot door serves as a grand entrance, making a striking first impression.

‘For me, FritsJurgens appeared the most logical choice. They fit in the way that I think design should be. I immediately saw that their pivot systems were a matching product for this house, going by their quality of design,’ Lars proclaims.

Ray Kappe’s vision for these doors was clear: the interior door needed to move smoothly, enhancing the sense of space and light, which was easily achieved with the 40mm top pivot. This top pivot is specially designed to make the most of any space because it is as close as possible to the side of the door.

The exterior door on the other hand, was all about making a spatial impact. With our System M+, these pivot doors achieve exactly that, adding to the home's overall elegance and functionality.

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‘I chose FritsJurgens, because I was stunned by some of the videos that you were showing online. Like these amazing giant doors with this little, really small piece that you engineered so amazingly and worked so beautifully. I had to have that for my home. And Ray agreed.’

At FritsJurgens, we do not just make hinges; we provide freedom of design. Our pivot systems are manufactured especially to stimulate creative freedom, making any architectural dream concerning pivot doors come true. As becomes evident in the pinnacle home of Lars Triesch.

A Lasting Impression

Leaving Lars Triesch’s home, one cannot help but feel a tinge of sadness. The combination of Ray Kappe’s architectural mastery and Lars’s exceptional taste creates a space that is hard to part with. It’s a home that resonates on an emotional level, offering a sense of belonging that transcends its visual appeal.

At FritsJurgens, we are proud to have our pivot systems featured in such a remarkable home. Lars Triesch’s residence in Kleinmachnow is not just a house; it’s a living testament to the power of thoughtful design and timeless architecture. It’s a place where quality, style, and emotional resonance come together, creating a truly extraordinary living experience.